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Oxari Documentation

OXARI is a universal platform that allows you to implement a professional ITSM class system in accordance with the ITIL standard, enriched with a set of tools needed by IT teams.


Comprehensive configuration of the entire system to fully customize it according to individual needs, preferences and personalized settings.

Mobile management

This section allows you to manage mobile devices, providing control over their configuration, security and mobile applications.

Document management

This section provides many options for managing, creating and editing documents, which increases the organization and accessibility of all documentation.

User management

This section offers very flexible and advanced user management options, allowing you to fine-tune permissions, roles and access profiles for each user.


This section provides comprehensive management, record keeping, request handling and logging of user requests. Crucial for maintaining the highest quality of technical support.


This section is used to manage the configuration infrastructure elements (CI) that are critical to the service delivery process. This includes tracking, documenting and managing CI relationships.

Resource management

This section enables the management of items of significant financial value to the organization. It ensures their optimal use and maximization of value for the company.

General information

Oxari is a new solution from Infonet-Projekt for managing IT services in the enterprise, compliant with ITIL standards.

Software version changes

Each new version of Oxari aims to enhance functionality and optimize the user experience, including bug fixes and performance and security improvements.

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